Sunday, January 24, 2010

Scene and HERD

I've had quite a few busy days lately. I was trying to get in lots of skiing hours before the weather changed and I been feeling a little strange, like I was coming down with something but couldn't put my finger on what! I hope you are all in the pink of good health.

It's raining today so I'm stuck in and decided to tell you about what I've been looking at and doing. Not that it is all that interesting but it was heartening to me.

Looking at beautiful things people design:
As I read the week-end Globe and Mail, there were highlights from The Interior Design Show. Click to see the slide show.
I'm not sure I could live the with bulk of these ideas, some look as though they are waiting for an opportune time to come alive and attack. But I do lover ( I lover them I lover them I lover them ) the concepts and the creating and the seeing things in new light. Invigorating!

I'm part of a trend towards value and Red:
Leah McLaren is in aforementioned Globe and Mail testifying on the benefits of paying for online endeavours, declares it a new and needed resource and sees the trend. She is talking NY Times. She talks sense. Me I like to both buy the newspaper and get more in depth online, interaction etc.
And when you are done with your paper look what it can become.
This weekend I gave the Matters a homework assignment to study red, what amazing things I seeing and reading. Jo told me this was also an initiative of Atha. I'm not currently a member but I love being on the trend train. We will be studying a colour every other week. It is so good to see how something inspires and inspiration is catching. It can be a fascinating game, noticing how any person with vitality and vigor will have a little splash of red in a costume, in a room, or in a garden... Edgar Cayce

I'm also looking at my Vogue Rug. I've had a brief hiatus, 3 months or so and I believe with the help of my good and faithful Laurel, my new Welcome Mat assistant, I'll be getting to this rug right directly. I feel so glad to be hooking, I know you understand why.
Here is how it lays right now and I'm not minding it, I know now what colour my poker chips shall be. I'll keep you posted, want it done by March:

1 comment:

  1. Oh Wanda........this will be such a beautiful rug! You do such gorgeous work. Left Welcome Mat, but enjoying myself at the Front Porch. I need to check in here more often to get inspired!

