Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Vogueing #30

Last but not least a flame pattern from a garment, also not drawn by me on the computer, this would take more patience then I'm capable of. Choose which ever you like best !

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I love this antique rug !

Vogue #29

Without proper tool to draw the bike gear that inspired me I resorted to a photo of one from Nashbar ! Thanks for indulging me ! I'm running with the outside edge to preserve my sanity !

Monday, September 28, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009

Vogueing # 25

Wallpaper border from Interiors section.

A Visitor

Yesterday was hook-in day and I had a lovely surprise, Micheline Howitt came and brought along her daughter Micheline Mann.
You will enjoy looking at her site Mann Made Studios. There are many wonderful rugs to be seen. I appreciate her skilful use of light and dark, click on her name above and you can see for yourself.
She has recently restored a schoolhouse and you can see the amazing story of that transformation also.
Here is one of her rugs Lake and Pines. Notice the depth and shape of the shadows, look at her cloud play and water, now that's the way to give water life. She inspires me.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Vogueing # 24

Rib knitting on a sweater - Ugg Ad.

Thank Goodness for Books in The Mail

I am in a mind wasteland here as I sit and wait for my leg to heal. To entertain and stimulate myself I ordered some books.I was sent on a journey by a post I made here in the blog, do you remember the Little Red Ridinghood in the mouth of the Big Bad Wolf ? This art reminded a sharing person of something I might be interested in, a book titled, Picture this: How Pictures Work by Molly Bang. This link me to various other books which contained the word Notan. This is not something I knew about. Although it apparently is a middle school concept, it was not covered in the dark ages.

Wikipedia has this description:

Nōtan (濃淡?) is a Japanese design concept involving the play and placement of light and dark next to the other in art andimagery. This use of light and dark translates shape and form into flat shapes on a two-dimensional surface. Nōtan is traditionally presented in paint, ink, or cut paper, but it is relevant to a host of modern day image-making techniques, such aslithography in printmaking, and rotoscoping in animation.

AFont sizenyone who knows me knows I'm all about the light and dark. So even though I've studied this a great deal I was interested to learn a new take on it or to deepen my understanding.
This led me to this instructional video that I'm using for a creative exercise on The Welcome Mat Group, Creation and Expansion.
(Jeez enough with the links already !)
This research led me to a book called Pictorial Composition and Composition Understanding, LIne, Notan and Color.
That should keep one part of the the gray matter busy.
For pure pleasure I got An Echo in The Bone. I'm also reading South of Broad by Pat Conroy and it is good.
If I didn't have books and my computer and my phone I would be crazy right now. Well, even crazier.
Tonight we move the hooking to high ground so it is easier to access.
Which brings me to this:

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Pictures Of The Vogue Rug, A WIP

Here is the rug as it stands/lays right now. The East Side And The West side !

Vogueing # 23

An Edwardian Hat

Etro Jacket trim

Today someone asked which page the Etro Jacket trim was on.
I have made mincemeat out of my issue of Vogue.
BUT I did find the jacket online.
Here it is.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Lisa Call - Inspires Me

Another case of "quiet" design from Lisa Call, visit her work here.The lines are there, but barely in some cases, I can't wait to try it. Intentional lack of contrast, what a blast.

Vogueing # 21

Ivana Trump Backdrop

Looking at Vintage Textiles

Look at this amazing blanket !
To see more interesting textiles go here
Too bad this is already sold !

Monday, September 21, 2009

Vogueing # 21

An old fashioned fan from the article Nostalgia - Making history

Thinking Like a Rug Hooker

In the light of day I cannot believe the conclusion I came to last night about my vogue rug.
Thinking like a designer I decided I wanted to have an area of rest, no I needed an area of rest.
Thinking like a rug hooker I deemed the only way this was possible was to cease to design or add any more design.
Thinking as a person who has skills of creativity and imagination I was shocked at my lack.
Why could I not have an area of rest as well as the last 10 of my designs on this rug ?
Of course I can. Through the skillful use of blending I can use close colours ( blue and green, or orange and yellow for instance), close values ( 6 and 8 or 2 and 4 ) or same value almost opposite colours or the same value, same colour but bright and dull to create an area of rest with designs that show in a subtle way.
So now that is what I shall do.
Take a look at the way the design shows in the gray, gold and red carpets, but still so peaceful.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

When a Man Loves A Rug

George Hewitt Myers bought a few rugs, by the time he died he had amassed over 4500 textiles from around the world and started the Textile Museum in Washington DC. What a wonderful thing he did. Go here to enjoy an online presentation of one of the displays on now, Common Threads

Carpet, Kurdish, Eastern Anatolia, Sıvas, Şarkışla, 19th century. The Textile Museum R34.12.2, acquired by George Hewitt Myers in 1915

Vogueing # 20

This one is really tickling my fancy and might need its own rug. Look for the nurse on page 302 of the magazine.
I got caught up on my drawing today, meaning I've got all my geometric inspirations on my rug save for my nurses.
I had quite a debate with myself. I feel that I want a blank space in the vogue rug, I like how it looks.
BUT I've got 10 more days of designs to apply. I could start a whole new rug with the Nurses and add the rest of the designs to it. Couldn't I ?
What's more important ? That I hold to my original idea ? Or that I listen to my rug say I want a field.
Put like that is there even a debate ?
I don't think so.
So tomorrow I'll start drawing a new rug ! I hope you understand.
Since I last posted a picture of September Vogue I've hooked the middle portion of it. What a surprise as I added the other parts my dead center was not actually dead center. So out comes what I've hooked to be revamped in the real true center. Whatever that means.
Truthfully I always love when things are a little askew, it makes them more magical to me, a little askew makes mystery. But not that askew ! That just makes crazy.
I hope you had time for you today.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Garnier Hair Samples

I'm a few days behind in drawing on my pattern bits. Tomorrow's my day ! I'm going to have my days to myself again, Thea got a job !
Isn't that great ? Too bad for me though as I've grown very dependent on her with my bum leg.
In the greatest leap of faith I've ever made I bought a pair of shoes today for after the boot ! They are NOT Keens. They are very witchy. I hope you can get some hooking done this week-end.
Now I must learn the Salsa !

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Vogueing #17

Judith Ripka Jewelry Inspired

A penny rug - from Tibet !- Well kinda

Ceremonial Hanging or Cover, cover: first third 20th century; textiles: late 19th century
Textile; Ceremonial/Ritual Furnishing, Silk, metallic and peacock feather filament-wrapped threads; embroidery and appliqué, satin-weave damask, and supplementary weft on satin-weave ground, 38 9/16 x 38 9/16 in. (97.8 x 97.8 cm)
Gift of Miss Bella Mabury (M.39.2.63)

Go to LACMA To see this and many more textiles

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Negative Space !

Look at this wonderful evocative use of negative space !
Illustrations by Noma Bar

Vogueing #15

Inspired by the Tom Ford perfume bottle lid tonight's pattern marks the half way point in this amazing ride!
I'm starting to feel like I might run out of room on my backing or the will to keep hooking it ( this could be chalked up to the difficulty of going down to my studio with my cast on ). The exciting part for me is the experience of finding pieces of already designed things to spark me.
It seems limitless.
Again I'd like to invite you to scoop these drawings right off here by dragging and dropping them on your desktop. Use them as you wish. We'd love to see what you're doing too if you wanted to share.

Sunshine and Shadow

Look carefully at the changes in colour and in value that shadows create.
When you really look it is amazing what is written there.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Aborignal Art- Geometrics to behold !

For me this is a lovely developing, non measured geometric. Look what can be done with the idea of a spiral.

Fire & Ancestor Snake Dreaming


Acrylic on canvas
46" x52"
Look at some others

Vogueing #14

Burberry Ad, Spiral Stair rail, This was very hard to draw with my mouse !! LOL I need a tablet !
Do what you can with it and thank you for all the encouragement Peggy ! My personal cheer leader, what could be better ?

Emily Carr Attributed Rugs at Maynards

Today as I looked at the week-end Globe I saw an ad for Maynards (fine art and antique auction house ) with hooked rugs attributed to Emily Carr.
Have a look, there are two others. Look at the estimated value. hmm.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Inglourious Basterds

Today we went to see the new Quentin Tarantino movie. I do love to watch movies but there were things I noticed besides the usual.

Colours: I loved the quiet use of colour in this movie. Because of this the reds you see look like they are plugged into a power source including lips and other Tarantino type reds you might see, if you get my drift.

Puzzles: He always leaves something to puzzle over. I find this trait very satisfying. Enough loose strings are tied up you feel like , yes , everyone got their comeuppance, but there is just a little something to take home to think about.

Characters: His characters are what I might call individuals, really toothsome of character. You see sides that are unexpected and endearing even when you don't want to be endeared.

Surprises: There are plenty.

Suspense: My heart pounded

The lead up to events: Thorough, making you part of the scene

If I turned to the creative act of making a rug and compared it to Quentin's work do we provide our viewer with the same thrills or even some of them ?

Vogueing #13

Basterdized Badgley Mischka Symbol

Inuit Textile Art

Look at all these lovely dots and the story they tell.

"Multiple Dots," Wall Hanging
Mary Kuutsiq Mariq - Baker Lake
34" H x " W 27.5

To see more Inuit textiles go here

Friday, September 11, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Vogueing #10

Tommy Hilfiger striped turtleneck
I'm a tired old hooker tonight after hook-in. Tonight's vogue is an easy one and I am glad.
I'm going to hook in a minute and then go to bed at 10, if I get something good in the vogue department going I'll post it.