Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Day 16 It's a sweater day

Here is a felted striped sweater made into a ball with 5 slim ogees stitched together with more of my off spin, I stuffed it with merino roving. I know its not very impressive but I like the stripes.
I'm starting to get the some of the month's makings onto a tree.
Celie wants to be in on everything.

Hint for the day:
Join in, sitting on the sidelines won't get you what you want. Get right in there !
You'll have a lot more fun and will come away having inspired and enriched others as well as yourself. You are the best gift to give.
Hooking hint: Just do it ! You can think and read and talk about it all you want but there ain't no substitute for ACTION !
Loving the comments my friends, thank you


  1. What the hell is an ogee? And as long as you impress yourself, it's all that matters. I like this dainty little bauble myself. Oh, that Celie! my darling. Smurf eyes lit up when he saw her pic..."please mom, can she come for xmas?" (I haven't told him yet he's going on holiday at the cat chalet.) Keep warm. Love, J

  2. I'd love to see the whole tree with all its decorations. I think sweaters are the best--have you ever hooked with them? That's on my list for 2010.

    Happy holidays.
