Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Dyeing with Wonder - A Lesson on Formula Freedom

This week we will be asking some what if questions.
I had noticed there are some dyes I don't apply often and truthfully my palette/stash was lacking because of this. Are there some colours you don't use as often?
I decided to go on a little "what if " tour to play with these lonely little dyes a bit.

I’ve dyed over 1/4 yd of natural wool with Majic Carpet Dyes in a dye bath with citric acid added to it at the 5 minute point. Having the exact dyes are not important, just go for the colour family. What is important is to experiment, experimenting is key to being a great dyer.

Combine the two listed dyes in boiling water and pour into a dye  bath then add wool. Please note during this whole dye process I only added 1/8th tsp. citric acid three times.

I also used a wok for some of the colours, less water, small pot = lots of mottling on the wool. Lots of water, no squishing = smoothly coloured wool . 

 First let’s have a look at some formulas of equal ratio, then the variation by increasing the amount of one dye. (You would get a very different result if you increased the other dye instead of the one suggested.)

 1/128th tsp Black + 1/128th Yellow

1/128th tsp Black + 2/32 Yellow

1/128th tsp. Blue Violet + 1/128th tsp. Orange 


1/128th tsp. Blue Violet +1/32 tsp. Orange

If you are a practitioner of The Majic you might want to join my Majic Carpet Club, it's free and I'm there to help you use my dyes more effectively. Today's tip there is about Turquoise.


  1. Cool. In the oyster piece I see an image of an elephants head facing me, his tusk protruding off to the right.

  2. Alicia, I see it too!
    Perhaps Oyster longs to be Elephant!

  3. In the berry stain i see the mouth and nose of a lions face

  4. I see that too!!! LOL Maybe we should start seeing the hidden messages the wool reveals to us! Be strong like an elephant, proud as a lion!
