Come one, come all to Spring Woolgathering. In just a few weeks we will all be hooking together having a great time. We would love to see you there!
Spring Program: One Hooker - One Line
A rug will be set up for each person coming to hook a line. Wool will be provided.
What is a line? That's up to you to research and share with us. Whose line is it anyway? Thick, thin, curved or straight, dark or light, which would represent you the best? This will be a journal of the day, a guest book of sorts of who attended.
It will be finished off for a draw at Fall Woolgathering, to be held Oct.15/2011. Mark your calendar, our Fall gathering is early this year!
Rug hookers are coming together on Saturday, April 2 from 9:30 until 3:00 for an all day hook-in at the Community Church of Christ 2555, 8th Ave W, Owen Sound, our usual spot. Come and enjoy great rug hooking fun and laughs at Woolgathering. All are welcome to come, spread the word to everyone you know ! If you can't come forward this onto someone who might, make an announcement at your hook-ins too.
This is a wonderful opportunity for new hookers to see a large variety of work and get inspired, good for jaded old hookers too !
Bring a lunch, perhaps some baking if you feel moved to do so, a project to hook on, rugs to show ( they don't have to be finished) piece of wool for the grand draw prize and other draw prizes if you can - is there something you no longer want or need ? Make another hooker happy !
If you wish to vend please come with your wares, a card table space cost $10, bring your own table. larger tables are in short supply if you need one book now, these cost $25. Notification to sell must be made 10 days prior to the event for insurance purposes.
To date there will be an abundance of beautiful WandaWorks products, Impressions in Wood with fantastic tools for hooking and other wonderful handcrafted items. If there is something you need specifically let vendors know ahead of time and we will make you very HAPPY !!! Please bring your rug if you need a special colour for it.
Directions from the South ( Hwy 6) and East ( get to Owen Sound on HWY 26 )
Drive along HWY 6 as you enter Owen Sound, look for 10th St. You will make a left turn onto this street.
You will drive down a hill then cross three intersections.
You will turn right on the fourth one.
You will have crossed a small bridge and the road to turn on is right after it.
It is 1st Ave W.
Follow that a short way until you reach 14 St.W, turn left.
Drive one block, turn right onto the Eddie Sargent Parkway or 3rd Ave W.
Follow this street until it intersects with 26th St W. Make a left turn.
Drive through 2 intersections, turn left at the third, this is 8th Ave W.
You should be able to see the church on the right hand side.
From The West and North
Go to the Drive In in Springmount.
Turn Left
At the first stop sign you reach turn left.
Continue on this road until it intersects with 24th St W make a right hand turn.
Follow this street until your reach 8th Ave W turn left , this is the street the church is on.
Look for it after you pass the ball diamond on the right hand side of the road. It is the same place but is now called The Community Church of Christ.
Contact me if you have any questions. See you there !!!
Happy hooking, Wanda