Saturday, April 30, 2011
I am so close Big Beauty
Friday, April 29, 2011
Darcy Does a Great Job
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Knopion, Trillium, Rampion
I just got an order of knops delivered to my house and I spun some up undyed into roving. You can see them starring in above photo as white bits of unbuttered popcorn.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Want to hook realistic portraits?

If you are interested in hooking realistic style portraits today is your lucky day! Join this online class to develop amazing skills that will enhance everything you create.
ANNOUNCING: Wanda Style Portrait Skill Building Class
This class will change the way you hook. I'll teach you the skills and techniques I use to make realistic portraits and how I hook anything alive with colour and depth of field.
Everyone will use the same small pattern, supplied to you along with other printable tools. Cut and fabrication choices are up to you.
Class is set to commence on or about May 10, 2011 and last a month.
You will receive more attention than you thought possible. Class size is limited. You do not need to be present at any specific time. You do need computer skills, a printer, a digital camera and a wide open mind. Due to the unusual and highly interactive nature of this class the fee schedule is different.
Cost $100 CA
Other payment methods can be arranged if needed.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Heart Found
Let's take a look at this!

Monday, April 18, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Canadian Tire!!! is For Dyers

My oh my ... how we Canadians lust after the "in America only" Kitchen kettle for dyeing.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
It started with a question about clouds.
Help! I am struggling with how to hook the clouds/sky in this feedsack. I am working with #3 and #4 cuts. Had half the clouds done and ripped them all out as once I started to hook the background sky it all looked stilted and horrible. The colors you see are printed on the sack itself and not the wool I am working with.
Saw someplace on TWM where Wanda had talked about hooking couds with dip dyed wool ranging from blues toward bluish whites...but I didn't understand how that could be done. When I first tried these, I hooked around the edges of the clouds and then filled in with hooked shadowing beneath (i.e. following the outline shape). Then tried horizontally hooking casseroled dyed wool for the background sky that had mottled blues, whites, pinks. It looked terrible. NEED help! All suggestions welcome! (PS: At this time, do not plan to hook the snow on the mountain peaks beneath the skyline. Unless, of course, TWM members advise otherwise!) Thanks to all in advance for your help.
Dear Friend:
I'm pretty sure I don't advocate the use of dip dyes to create isolated clouds in skies. I think I'd rather shoot myself than say that. Though I once did paint clouds onto a dip dyed piece of wool, this way the sky and clouds get hooked in by simply keeping the wool in the order you cut it by taping it down.
Keep it simple as per your feedsack.
You might want to alter your sky to be lighter on the bottom and brighter on the top.
Here are some visuals if you want a more realistic portrayal. You need grays on the bottoms of the clouds to ground them in the atmosphere. I vote for the snow- more dramatic this way, a tension is built between hot desert and cool mountaintop aside from the physical height.
Thanks, Wanda! Still more questions though. Do I hook the clouds in horizontal rows or do I shadow hook their shape outlines? Oh, yes! The visuals really help with seeing what the grays do and how the sky is brighter at the top than on the horizon! Amazing what we miss until someone else brings it to our attention.
You might be surprised to hear I don't give two hoots for so called directional hooking. We make way too much of it and it sometime detracts from what we want to accomplish.
So the clouds are puffy, what kind of line will help them look that way? I think you might know already... and I want to hear what you think....
My guess would be circular, but I really don't know. I wish I did! I find it interesting that you don't believe in directional hooking. Isn't that the 'mantra' of McGown teachers and all those doing fine shading in florals/fruits??? This is a totally new idea for me! got me thinking about those shapes...went back and looked at photos. The lines I see there (I think) are flattened elongated S's that are on their sides...if that makes sense.
However, I am remembering also what you wrote about how often we see what we believe rather than believing what we see. That statement in itself could lead to some extremely interesting spiritual/philosophical discussions re: realities.
Dear Friend,
I think your observations of elongated s are good, I'd probably try long tailed Cs
Yes you can fall right into a big old Zen trap.
But when I talk about doing what's there I mean that literally, like in the right brain way and don't try to make too much sense of it with your rational brain. Your brain wants to tell you, those are lips so they better be bowed and they better look shiny when your visual might tell you they are flat thin lips that only show up on one side and then disappear.
I hope that explains what I mean.
You know that I'm a McGown teacher and we aren't all cut from the same thought or practise cloth! LOL!
No matter the source always ask your questions. That's how you'll know the answers, the best ones for you.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
So much to tell

Beginner Dye Class Outline
Lesson #1
Part One
Getting to know your tools, dyes, wool and measurements so you control your outcome, including wool measuring charts and how much dye to create certain values
How to dye wool, silk and nylon
4 Recipes, 4 methods
Lesson #2
Part One
Making your own formulas- with the knowledge from lesson #1 you will easily make you own wonders.
Guided Explorations
I’ll give you 4 dyeing assignments to firm up your nerve and cement your understanding.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Heart Rock #2
Friday, April 8, 2011
Dye class in Wanderful Online Dye Studio
Dear Beginner Dye Class
Please join us in this class to get a better handle on dyeing. We will look at getting you cozy with your personal dyes, all brands welcome and creating your own formulas and teaching you 4 dyeing methods.
Two full and wide ranging lessons.
Cost $40.00
This class will take place in the online Wanderful Dye Studio.
You will receive your invitation when you sign up.
It will start on April 18th 2011
Press this button below to secure your "seat" in class. Please write to secure other payment methods.
>You are required to have wool, dye equipment and dyes, I have a list of inexpensive tools you can use and one of more comprehensive equipment if you wish to be more than a dabbler... look below.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Breakfast at Wanda's
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
April Happenings on The Mat

I bet you do too! So here is our challenge: Build us a nest that represents you!
Yes sing out to us like this little Robin , show us your tribute to your everlasting piles of wonderful stuff!
Only found or recycled objects
Can be in any material and I mean any, try to use a method or material you've had on hold so far and haven't got around to using.
flat, 2 or three dimensional
have messy gluey, stitchy, happy fun!
Deadline - yup that's an ugly old word ain't it?
Let's try to get them done in a couple of weeks for Friday April 15- Fibre Fun Friday, a newly proclaimed holiday on the Mat.
Need impetus?
These will make wonderful keepsakes of this long awaited spring and great studio decorations.
You need to make something soon, and I mean soon.
How it will work
I'm starting a Play Day Group Discussion to support the nest building activity! It will be called Build a Nest. Finished nests will be posted there.
Not interested this time? There are plenty of other things to read and do in Play Day!Got questions? Ask them.
Fiber Fun Friday
On April 15th we are having a fibre holiday, it will stretch into the whole week-end. There are many things planned, a free class and give aways and a member mix up to name a few.
WandaWorks is offering two online classes soon- look here to sign up in a few days.
Note: WandaWorks is an entity outside the realm of The Mat. These online studios offer more attention and guidance than what can be provide in this magazine. There is a fee for partaking in these lessons
The Classes:
Sign up day is coming soon for a class in my online dye kitchen, Dear Beginner Dyer, for novice dyers or those who want a better handle on dyeing. This is a class with 4 lessons, you will receive a pdf booklet at the end of class containing all lessons, links to videos and good questions asked and answered in class.
In my online studio there will be a 4 part class called Let's Face It. Learn how to create a portrait using my techniques, we will all build the same portrait in this class so you can learn from each other. It is a small face slice. I reveal all my tips and tricks about portraits and colour. Booklet will also be prepared for your perusal after class.
Yes these booklets will be for sale afterwards but they will not be supported, that means no asking me questions.
Prerequisite for this class: you must suspend your long held beliefs.