Monday, October 26, 2009

Drawing your Attention to

I found a wonderful book on the foundation we all need to create more expansive work.
WE all do it
Tarting up the Brown Stack
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Let's Take a look at this ....

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
East Dennis Antiques

I found a whole passel of hand hooked antique rugs here.
Woolgathering Time
Friday, October 16, 2009
A Rug I'm working on
Thursday, October 15, 2009
News From The Hook-in
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Water Colour Dyeing Instructions
Water Color Dyeing
This is what I call it though you might think of a better name... I was reading a book demonstrating water color painting and the making of washes. The paper was wet, paint dropped on the surface and the paper was picked up , then rotated and swirled and the colors mixed and danced with beautiful results.
I immediately thought, I can pick up my frying pan by the handles and move it in the same way !!!
1/8th yd of natural wool soaked
Pick three colors of dye they can be any colours, I used the follwing ProChem ones.
Forest Blush ( each color mixed in their own jar.)
1/32 tsp. Wine Rose 350 + 1/3 cup of water + 1/32 tsp. citric acid crystals
1/32 tsp Golden Pear + 1/3 cup of water
1/32 tsp. Maple Sugar 121 + 1/3 cup of water
The trick for this is all in the pouring, and the rolling.
Lay your wool in the hot frying pan, pour the first color in a triangle with the base towards you, (look at diagram 1 , the fine line) the point will be reaching the left hand upper corner. Add the next color making a triangle with the base away from you coming to a point on the right hand side lower corner
Roll the fry pan side to side and back and forth, be careful !!
Gently movements work well.
When the water is half way clear pour the third color right down the channel in the middle overlapping both colors..
This is a DO NOT STIR method. Please try your own formulas
This is fun wool to use for just about anything, leaves , flowers, some place you need some excitement!!
WILD ANIMAL Remember 1/3 cup of water for each dye in their own jar.
1/32 tsp. Mocha Chino 670 + 1/32 tsp. citric acid crystals
1/32 tsp. Slate Blue 441
1/32 tsp. Clay 561
1/32 Spiced Pumpkin 230 + 1/32 tsp. citric acid crystals
!/32 tsp. Paprika 368
1/32 tsp . Charcoal Gray 670
Right to left Blush, Wild Animal , Mars
WaterColour Dyeing Video from Dye Class
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
A Question about how to Hook a Bull's Eye Dye

Calming The Excited- Overdyeing

Monday, October 12, 2009
Advice to a New Hooker
Saturday, October 10, 2009
What you can do when you have to

Friday, October 9, 2009
Wandering- The way it really happens- a video
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
In a time far away and long ago

Before I was a rug hooker I designed and made clothing for my work.
Dye Class Diary
While we dye we are being creative. Being creative is a series of decisions.
You might find when dyeing without formulas, you are turning to the same old combos repeatedly with predictable results.
This is one time I’m advising you to stir it up but not in the dye pot, I want to spark your mind. Let’s dream up what’s possible in this session. We will combine some unusual partners, we’ll see what happens when you tinker with the ratios of dye you use. Increasing one colour in a two dye dance can really change the tempo ! Just switching one green for another, or using brown instead can also really alter things.
Pick out a dye you love.
Pick out one you dislike.
Try to make sure the colours are not side by side, like sea breeze and turquoise ( same dye different intensity ) or red and orange.
Decide how much wool you want to dye over. Decide what value you want your wool.
This will allow you to make an informed decision about how much dye to measure out. Not all dyes are made with equal strength. Prochem Lime Green for instance is pretty weak as is Majic Carpet red, you need to use more of these dyes to have them show up !
(You can find out what is weak by doing a sample of each dye you have with a toothpick of dye dyed over a 12” x1 inch wide strip of wool processed in a jar.)
A Value Guideline
Over 1/4 yd of wool ( YOU DYE THE AMOUNT OF WOOL YOU WANT IN THIS CLASS THIS IS JUST A GUIDELINE to give you a place to start)
very , very light - dry toothpick dipped in dye
very light- wet toothpick dipped in dye
light -1/128th tsp
medium light - 1/64 tsp
medium -1/32 tsp
medium dark - 1/16th tsp
light dark - 1/8th tsp
medium dark 1/4 tsp
very very very dark 1/2 tsp.
Measure out equal amounts of each dye to make a very light colour.
( Using natural wool for this value would be best and a dry toothpick for a measure )
Dissolve in 1/4 cup boiling water.
PAPER TEST- this is drawing a line with a chop stick or some such thing on white paper with the dye to test the colour.
Now honestly you might choose not to dye over wool at all but just record your results on paper. You will have tons of dye leftover though.
(This is the time to see if you like the colour and make adjustments though for this class I want you to trust your instincts and go for what you chose.)
It is fun and glam to make pretty colours, but I encourage you to go ahead with the grays and taupes, the dulls. We need these too.
Go ahead and dye your sample in a dye bath.
less water + small pot = lots of mottling on the wool. Lots of water + no squishing = smoothly coloured wool
Let’s look at the formula used
2 equal parts 1 dry toothpick each.
What does it look like if I use
1/128th of one colour and 1/64th of the other ?
What if I used a 1/32 of colour one and 1/64of colour two ?
Explore what happens with a 1 to 3 ratio and then try another tripling your other colour.
What if I wanted this colour very, very dark what could I do ....
Your Homework
Do Step 1
2 dyes in equal parts. One colour you like, one you don’t. Light value.
Now extrapolate.
Choose the variation of your choice as outlined in Step 2 or one you think of, record it.
Do as many variations with these two colours you wish but do at least one for us to see. The more you say what if to yourself and follow through, the more you will learn.
Pick out two more sets of two colours. Do the same with them - create a equal ratio formula, then at least one variation.
At the very least you are sending in 3 sets of 2 pieces of wool but go ahead and try as many variation of different ratios you like.
You can do anything with the two colours for your variations. You are in charge. Do the value you want.
Here is what I did as an example.
Magic Carpet Dyes over 1/4 yd natural wool.
1/128th tsp Black + 1/128th Yellow
The Variation
1/128th tsp Black+ 2/32 YellowSaturday, October 3, 2009
Getting The Room of The Great Undyed Ready
Hyberbolic Hooked Rugs
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Eye Candy from Jozan

6) Lakai gadgeri, 6'5"X10'9", spectacular wool textile made up of warp-faced bands with warp-substitution weave, sewn together horizontally. |