Oh boy do I deserve the bad girl blogger award !
In my constant prep for a busy time in the hooking world here in Ontario I've neglected my blog horribly.
I did some amazing dyeing in the past few weeks and was so thankful for a very cool spring. My new stove did a terrific job, I love the control of simmering the kettle on low , it is very hot but doesn't whistle, perfection.
Just like you I like to return to the same colours time and time again. I done used up all my turquoise in the process !!
I could not get enough of it. Every time I turned around I found myself saying oh I'll just add some turquoise to that !
One thing I particularly enjoy is just throwing this and that together at the end of the dye day.
I had a deep blue/ navy prepared and only used part of it, as it sat in the measuring cup, lonely and unused I crammed an 1/8th yd of wool into it threw it into the microwave and it made such a lovely piece, so nice I kept it for myself.
My booth at the OHCG Annual ran like greased lightening, Thea , Ruthann, Heather and Christine all did a fantastic job !
It is great to hear all the wonderful comments and get encouragement about my dyeing and meet all the Welcome Matters.
It takes quite a while to recover from all the excitement though and I'm just now starting to feel like myself.
Here is
A fun thing I did a while ago....
I decided to place something on my wool before I pinned it up for shibori.
I had some lining and a silk tie laying around.

I pinned it up, and cooked it out like I would marbelizing.

Here is the end result, sweetly subtle.

Happy Dyeing !
Ps I didn't see a rug at the show, too busy or tired, how silly of me