I've been quiet the past week or so because I was in heaven!
You know the song:
Heaven... I'm in heaven,
And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak.
And I seem to find the happiness I seek,
When we're out together dancing cheek to cheek.
I would just change dancing to dyeing or hooking. I had such an amazing experience watching my students expand and expand. What a blessing to see them do what they wanted to, living what they dreamed of doing. Creating what they desired. You could have this too if you wanted.
Go to my website and click on Contact me for more info.
Isak Dinesen says:
Through all the world there goes one long cry from the heart of the artist:
Give me leave to do my utmost.
That's what I'm in the business of here in my studio, giving my students or as I prefer to call them; my proteges, leave and aid and support to do their utmost, whatever that is.
Sometimes it is learning to create their own patterns from their own ideas. Sometimes it is doing their own dyeing for their whole rug. Sometimes it's tapping into their own marvelous creativity, WE all have it. People are such a wonder and a delight!
Last week we grew and spread and developed ways to achieve long held desires. Though these wonderful people sent my way last week worked with me one on one, this magic also happens when hookers come in groups on demand or join my classes that are preset 3 times a year.
Traditionally I hold a class the last week in June, keeping the
cottage rental rates still in the off season, in September also off season, and the dye mentorship class is in October.
This year I decided to hold them close to one another so one could attend both so desired.
Here is the blurb from my web page:
Get Fired Up!
September 27 to October 1, 2010
9:30am til 4pm each day
Do you feel stuck in a rut? Come to Wandaworks and get fired up again about your artform.
This week's class will help you go beyond expected outcomes. Work on a project of your choice.
Cost: $525
Dye Mentoring Class
October 4, 5 and 6
10:00 til 4 each day
Wanda will help you improve and refine your dyeing skills.
You will never look back. All dyes and equipment are provided.
Cost: $350 You supply the wool.
I wish I could adequately explain the benefits of these small classes and private ones also. A hooker I've known for awhile was congratulating me yesterday on doing my own thing in this way. Not traveling as is expected but doing things to suit me.
I told her though I'm a bit of a poor traveller the real thing I want to do my way is to provide good instruction and care for my students, to gain understanding of what they want and eradicate as much frustration from the learning process as I can. I want to provide a rich, loamy, wet, hot- house atmosphere in which they can grow in their own direction, not in the direction I want to push them.
She related that many people say they are happy if they only learn one thing.
She felt that was a bloody expensive hope people arrive at camp with and they frequently don't even achieve that or achieve the lesser quality learning, the negative learning experience of going home knowing what you don't want to do.
That makes me say ARRRGHHHH. So frustrating for me and for the student.
She has a point.
Lots of us only want or desire a social experience from our rugging excursions and that is great but if you want to go beyond what you are doing now and have the time I'm your magic Wanda!
I have a few spaces in either class. You could expand both important aspects of your artistry.
Plan and develop a pattern, then dye for it!
Sounds incredible doesn't it?
Seize the day...
It is easy to get here from Toronto, Buffalo, Detroit airports.
It is a beautiful place.
I treat you like kings and queens and I never push for sales as so often happens.
I work with you for you. I collaborate, not dictate.
Nothing makes me happier!

Happy Wanda and Claude conclude their 4 day class, great talks + good eats + good laughs = great project! We dyed in the mornings for the project and work on the hooking in the afternoon, it is a masterpiece!