Friday, February 26, 2010
Glassed UP and The Secrets of the Universe Revealed

Friday, February 19, 2010
The greatest question I've heard...
I recently got a great letter and I love these great letters and want to share with you what comes from them, oh the beloved question I must think about, is there any greater gift?
Dear Wanda,
I'm looking at the colors, which clearly work, but I can't tell you why they work or, in contrast, what would be jarring. Why do the orange and fuscia work together, and why does the sad little green in the lower left corner fit in with those other peppy colors? It gave me an idea for a series that could be useful. (The title "Why This Works" comes to mind.) I'm not expecting a personal answer from you, just passing along an idea.
I want to answer you!
Orange and fuschia are the most loving of partners as they are sisters, only red separates them in the warm family.
The sad little green acting in the necessary role of the quiet receding aunt (neutral opposite) from the other side of the tracks (cool). Every family needs one.
It makes everybody else in the family seem all the more important! LOL.
I think your idea is WONDERFUL.
I see people really want to know how to grasp color. I love to talk about it. As a matter of fact about twice a month I take a painting and talk about the very thing on my blog. I call them "let's look at this " You might like to read them, just go to www.wandaworks.ca, the link to my blog is there.
No other subject I have EVER came across including money and religion and politics has ire been raised so quickly and so vehemently and without intelligence as the discussion of colour.
We are so ignorant of our own notions about colour, so riddled with improper terminology, so confubbled and focused on what is not important we are missing the rainbow by a mile!
Of course humans being human don't want this. It takes reflection discomfort and hard work.
To start to learn why something works or not in the colour department you must first know thyself!
Horrible isn't it?
Find out what you are, daughter of darkness, sister of the light.... are you a fence sitter. What is light, dark, where does any given colour sit on the saturation scale, is it almost a 10% gray blue or is it a 100% brilliant blue?
Is it warm?
Dull is not always dark, bright is not always light...
When we recognize and become a diagnostician and can read a colour like House reads a patient, looking for all the signs, wonders and influences, we will then hold all the colour power possible we crave.
Interesting isn't it?
I've already started the work of enriching people's colour power through free online classes group in The Welcome Mat.
I would welcome you and encourage you to do them.
12 years ago I started hooking, 10 years ago I became an instructor, 6 years ago I started refining, grasping and executing my own colour usage from a place of control not happenstance. I still have miles to travel. But I'd love to have you along as a companion.
Can't wait to hear what you say! I want to use part of your question anonymously and my answer with personal things excerpted for my blog please dear, you asked one of the most important questions I've ever heard.
This brings me right back to making mistakes. You gotta play, you gotta fall down, you gotta bleed a little, get gravel in your elbow, grass stains on your knees. It hurts, but the freedom of running full tilt boogie towards what you want to grasp, eyes on the prize, man that is beyond great.
If you desire to learn more about colour you can only do that by learning first what your long held beliefs are. Once you know that you can amend them to become your tools instead of your stumbling blocks. It is a new way to think about colour. Looking at a colour wheel to provide insight into colour use is like looking at darkness to discover the light, a desert to discover the condition of water.
You need first look at yourself. Isn't that a pisser?
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Repairs on Vogue Rug
Making Mistakes
If you don’t make mistakes, you aren’t really trying. -Coleman Hawking
The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything. -Edward Phelps
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Let's take a look at this today

Let's take a look at Carolee Clarke's
Daily Painting Going Green contemporary tree in Oregon
I'm still hanging tough examining the details of things.Leo Strauss
Friday, February 12, 2010
A Different Finish
You might already know I don't like finishing my rugs very much right now.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Friday, February 5, 2010
Q & A ... Details, Details

I am hooking. This design was taken from an old black and white photograph
of myself when I was 7 years old. This was my first pony and I have many
happy memories.
I am trying to make this as authentic as possible and am having trouble with
the roof. I remember it as an old green tar paper roof. Do you think I
should hook each tile individually? I know this will be painstaking but I am
determined. Should each tile be outlined and how can I do that so that the
lines don't jump out at me? Should the lines be drawn on the diagonal which
then would form diamond shapes. It is hard to tell from the old photograph.
"It is hard to tell from the old photograph."
Thanks for your reply. My main concern was with trying to have the shingles
look individual and I'm not sure how to go about that. To outline each one
it would seem to me that that would make each one stand out too much. I'm
wondering if if might be a good idea to hook an area and then go back with a
piece of yarn or embroidery thread and just outline here and there. I guess
I need to experiment but thought you might have some ideas.
Ah yes, the face. I have started it several times and have taken it out. I
will go back to it. You are absolutely right - I only want to create an
illusion. Unfortunately, it seems like the simplest approach is often the
most difficult!
Yes of course you may use this example in a Q&A. Thank you for your time -
you have been very generous.
Can you see each shingle in the photo? I bet there are lighter and darker patches to the roof. Be careful not to provide more distinction to the shingles than the distance of the perspective allows. The veiwer is quite some distance from the barn and don't forget you and Suzi are the focal points, deserving the most detail.
I would concentrate on shapes, instead of lines.
We hookers are a line loving bunch. AND we love to make everything WAY more complicated than we need too, we are all alike!!! Always having the same hang ups.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
I could not believe my eyes
Wendy Carlos