Monday, February 28, 2011

How many more days?

I don't think there will be too many more days or skiing left. But here I am out enjoying when I can, the snow is getting that hollowed out look to it and today there were so many snow fleas the track was black with them in some places. I got my red orange coat so my face would look mildly rosy by comparison. Getting out and doing something active is a great time for me to think about what I want to do when I return inside to park my bottom. Most everything I do for pleasure and work involves sitting down.
The funny thing is when I have something, hooking for instance, I'm stuck on I'll do anything but sit down, I return books to the library, get my teeth cleaned, even empty the litter boxes!
Anything to avoid what I don't want to do.... fix what's wrong.

The sun came out for a peek today and was I glad to see it, I'm seriously considering making a winter painting for hanging in Jan and Feb just to get us through the grey skies time. It would feature lots of yellow and orange! Can you get solar power from a colour?

Happy hooking!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Spring in to March

In honor of the wild March weather coming up I'm getting ready on my blog.
It will be wet, windy and wild!
Sounds like dyeing with my giant air sucking fan on!
Here I ruin perfectly beautiful wool in a vat of dark... why ? What winter fever is afoot in Wiarton? The answer is coming soon in a the summer issue of RHM.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Oh gee my ogee

Jag, 1972, tapestry/wall hanging, 54 x 71 in., Objects in the Loft, Florida

You know I love the ogee right?
You can harken back to me yakking about them here in 2009
Now here are some combined with dots and the dots change colour.... I'm passing out with happy.

Thursday Hook-in Review

It was just like old home week here yesterday.
We had two blasts from the past ( and I do mean blasts ) come to visit with lots of jokes and fun. Just what the we all needed. We had every piece of wool in the house out and thrown everywhere.
Suzie shows off her fish rug, we were so glad to see her, our prodigal hooker.

Barbie works on her beautiful geometric

Marie works on the Big Bruce section of her rug.

Erin shows us her tree, it's progressing nicely.

Absent from her chair, perhaps buried some where in wool Lorraine was working on her angel in the Garden.

Pam shows her marshmallow roasting party attended by snowmen and women.

Diane starts her new pattern, a siamese cat in a geometric.
A fine time was had by all.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

Fibre Love

Happy V Day!
A length of my hand dyed mohair roving formed an organic heart just for you

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hooking Upside Down

Lots of times I find myself hooking upside down, it really helps me see the shapes I need to. In this case I'm working sideways. I like to site cross legged too, my next move? Hooking on a high wire or maybe swinging from a trapeze. Goodness knows I've got the three rings going and the lions and tigers, plus a clown, I think I'm all set.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Birder- My Ode to Kim

Here is a great new spot dye recipe on the Mat.
It is called the Birder or Ode to Kim, Bluebird, Cardinal and Finch, the name is longer than the recipe! She bought it from me years ago and is now using it to hook a rug.... and somehow a quarter yd. walked away during a rug camp. SHE NEEDS MORE !!!
It is a beauty I forgot about as I don't really use recipes but now I've got it recorded and set down for you to get years of pleasure. Who knows how many other great recipes I've forgotten?
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
George Santayana
Maybe in this case its a blessing!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Big Ole chair full of happiness

Just what the eye needs in February!
Snakes on a Chair!
I'm stilling hooking on my January Journal...
What have you been doing?

Sunday, February 6, 2011


While she sleeps I woves a blankets for myself. Don't tell.

A Batt and A Cat

The Batt... yarn bits, dyed roving, silk.
This batt is Mary's

It gets spun anyway

And plied on itself... Mary does not approve and I sense mischief might be afoot.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Handspun Georgian Bay

The ice was blown into shore and the water very pretty in sunlight today.
That inspired this.

Friday, February 4, 2011

I took this and went like that!

This was the stuff I gathered

I made 2 batts

Batt one (pictured on the bottom) spun with thread

Batt Two plied back on itself

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Sea Captain's Wife

I just recently finished this book :
When it arrived I was quite taken by the design on the cover, of course all curvy lines, my favourite. I was surprised to note several references to hooked rugs. Always a pleasure to read about your pastime. I guess that's why those Knitting Club books are so popular. I wonder will anyone ever write one about and for rug hookers?
To learn more about this book and the author, go here.
To win this book in a draw on The Welcome Mat contribute to the Daily bread forum on Thursday Feb. 3 about how you wiled ( a pun!) away the Blizzard, that could include a Dairy Queen ( is the Dairy Queen a Canada only institution?) one if you like.

Steady as she goes!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Spinster I am

A Fat Batt that is somewhat UGLY
makes a beautiful slub yarn.
Wool , dyed silk, mohair, sari silk